Tempest Technology Ventmaster Upgrade Kit

The Tempest VentMaster conversion kit is the easy and convenient way to upgrade you current saw into a heavy-duty fire/rescue chainsaw. The conversion kit includes:
•   VentMaster COBALT Guide Bar 
•   Raptor Carbide Chain
•   Rim Sprocket
•   KIS-40 Adjustable Depth Gauge/Guard 
Raptor Carbide Chain is specifically built to withstand the rigors of fire and rescue operations. Features an “open dual raker” design to protect the carbide cutters and control the depth of cut. Made in the USA.  Raptor Chain is tough and versatile enough to cut through:
•   Plexiglass, Lexan & Hurricane Glass
•   Tar and Asphalt Roofing
•   Nails
•   Light-Gauge Sheet Metal
•   Wire-Reinforced Belting
•   Trees and Green Wood
The Tempest VentMaster Upgrade Kit is compatible with most commercial saws including STIHL, Jonsered, Echo, Husqvarna and Shindaiwa. View the Compatibility Guide HERE to determine whether your saw power head is compatible.


Grouped product items
SKU Product Name Qty
TV433-00_ Tempest VentMaster Conversion Kit - 16" Bar
TV434-00_ Tempest VentMaster Conversion Kit - 20" Bar