PAC IronsLok

PAC (Performance Advantage Co)

The Ironslok bracket is designed for a set of irons which is a 30″ Halligan tool and a 36″ flathead axe. Positive locking with high strength lock strap.  Ironslok can be mounted in a horizontal or vertical position.  Strap is available in black, yelow or orange.

Parts included:
•   Blade End Housing
•   Handle End Support/Cover
•   7" Unistrut 
•   33" Unistrut 
•   Adjustamount Clamp End 
•   Adjustamount Lock End 
•   Adjustable LokStrap
•   Mounting hardware for both standard/surface mounting and to PACTRAC is included. 

Grouped product items
SKU Product Name Qty
K5003-B PAC IronsLok - Black Strap
K5003-Y PAC IronsLok - Yellow Strap
K5003-O PAC IronsLok - Orange Strap