Rope Rescue Rigging Hardware can come in many shapes and sizes from simple rigging plates and rings to specialized hitch anchors and beam/girder anchors.
Rigging Hardware
- CMC SQUID Rig Plate$139.95
- CMC CAPTO$5.75
- CMC Clutch$747.00
- HALO Rigging Anchor Plate$56.00
- RockStar 3D Rigging Plate$137.00
- CMC Anchor Plate$76.00
- CMC Swivel$83.00
- Steel O-Ring$16.95
- Aluminum O-Ring$18.00
- CMC Choker Cable Sling$55.00
- Instant Hitch Anchor$189.00
- Balldog Plus Hitch Anchor$54.00