Keeping your water and ice rescue gear organized and ready go to is easy with water equipment gear bags from NRS. Whether you are looking for a mesh gear bag or a dry bag, NRS gear bags are time tested tough and designed to standup to the harsh environments encountered by rescue personnel.
Equipment Bags
- NRS Tuff Sack Dry Bag$24.95
- NRS Heavy Duty Bill's Dry Bag$219.95
- CMC Water Rescue Gear Bag$171.00
- NRS Purest Mesh Duffel Bag$79.95
- NRS Rescue Duffel Bag$109.95
- Quick Change Duffel$119.95
- NRS Rescue Placards$13.95
- Tough Hook Hanger$16.96
- Tough Hanger XL$14.45
- RHINO Heavy Duty Hanger$11.25