Hazmat Incident Command Vest Set

R&B Fabrication

A prepackaged set of incident Command System (ICS) vests for operating at a Hazardous Materilas (Haz-Mat) incident.  All eight (8) vests are orange pullover style, with side adjusting straps and buckles are come in a storage/cary case for ease of access and transport.  The set includes the titles listed below.ᅠ

•   Vest Style: Pullover
•   Vest Color: Orange
•   Kit takes approximately 2 weeks to deliver.
•   Bag color: Red
•   Kit Weight: 98 oz.

 Vest Titles
•  Incident Commander
•  Operations
•  Safety Officer
•  Hazmat
•  Decontamination
•  Rehab
•  Information Officer
•  Blank Window

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