PAC Storz Lok

PAC (Performance Advantage Co)

A major step forward in mounting Storz fittings and adapters, PAC's Storz is an easy to use, self-locking mount for Storz adapters. Corrosion free, the PAC Storz Lok is resistant to heat and cold. Features no moving parts, the automatic lock on your coupling locks it in place. It can be mounted anywhere, topside or underside of a pull-out shelf, the inside top of your compartment, or on the rear step of your running board.

Parts Included:
• STORZ LOK - Molded from high strength HYTREL
• Standard and PAC TRAC mounting hardware included


STORZ-LOK Specifications
4" STORZ-LOK Specifications [PDF]
5" STORZ-LOK Specifications[PDF]
6" STORZ-LOK Specifications[PDF]

Grouped product items
SKU Product Name Qty
1040-4 PAC 4" Storz Lok
1040-5 PAC 5" Storz Lok
1040-6 PAC 6" Storz Lok