TFT Quadrafog Nozzle

TFT - Task Force Tips

The TFT QUADRAFOG is an excellent selectable gallonage nozzle for any 1” (25mm) or 1.5” (38mm) hose line. The QUADRAFOG is an economical and lightweight combination nozzle suitable for use with low-expansion or multi-expansion foam attachments.

1” QUADRAFOG DQ60 Series:
All 1” (25mm) QUADRAFOGS are available in tip only, break-apart, or 1 piece nozzle models. They are adjustable from a straight stream to a dense fog pattern and are suitable for use with foam. All units
have metal cut fog teeth. The DQ60 versions includes five flow settings: 5-10-24-40-60 gpm @ 100 psi (20-40-90-150-230 l/min @ 7 bar).

1.5” QUADRAFOG Series:
All 1.5” (38mm) QUADRAFOGS are available in tip only, break-apart, or 1 piece nozzle models. They are adjustable from a straight stream to a dense fog pattern and are suitable with foam. Nozzles come with the choice of metal cut fog teeth or spinning stainless steel teeth.

The standard pressure versions come with four flow settings: 30-60-90-125 gpm @ 100 psi (110-230-360-470 l/min @ 7 bar). Low pressure versions are also available with the same flow settings at 75 psi (5 bar).



Tip Only:
•   Flush without shutting down
•   Tip-only design has an "off" position for break-and-extend operations
•   NH rigid thread is standard

•   Flush without shutting down
•   Quick-change rear valve seat
•   Stainless steel shut-off ball
•   Rocker lug NH swivel is standard

Nozzle w/ Pistol Grip:
•   Flush without shutting down
•   Quick-change rear valve seat
•   Stainless steel shut-off ball
•   Pistol grip mounted below the valve
•   Rocker lug NH swivel is standard

1" QUADRAFOG Configurations Weight (lbs.) Length (in.)
Tip Only 1.3 5.0
Nozzle (Tip & Shut-off) 2.0 7.25
Nozzle w/Grip (Tip & Shut-off w/ grip) 2.3 7.25
1.5" QUADRAFOG Configurations Weight (lbs.) Length (in.)
Tip Only 2.4 6.87
Nozzle (Tip & Shut-off) 3.4 8.37
Nozzle w/Grip (Tip & Shut-off w/ grip) 3.6 8.37


Available Pistol Grip and Handle Colors:
Black (Std.) Blue
Green Orange
Red White
Yellow -


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