Bottom Guard Barrel Strainer


The Kochel Bottom Guard Barrel Strainer incorporates an innovative guard designed to make drafting possible in many conditions. The Bottom Guard Strainer was designed to work with gravity. As the strainer sinks toward the bottom of the water source the swiveling guard moves to the underside of the barrel to provide a clean, stable platform from which to draft from.

The high intake ratio on the strainer allows for maximum pump capacity flow rates while the bottom guard protects against debris being drawn off the bottom. The bottom guard insures that silt, rocks and weeds are not drawn into the strainer. The handle is balanced in the correct position and the light weight construction makes the bottom guard strainer easy to carry and quick to deploy.

  • Available in 2.5” - 6” sizes
  • The 6" Strainer is recomended for pumps 1,250 - 1,500 GPM
  • The 6" Big Water Strainer is recomended for pumps 1,500 - 2,000 GPM (NH Threads Only)
  • NH threads and Storz connections available
  • Aluminum construction
  • Silver power coat on strainer
  • Wrinkle powder coat on bottom guard
Grouped product items
SKU Product Name Qty
BS25BG-P15-P09 2.5" Bottom Guard Strainer - NH Threads
BS30BG-P15-P09 3" Bottom Guard Strainer - NH Threads
BS40BG-P15-P09 4" Bottom Guard Strainer - NH Threads
BS50BG-P15-P09 5" Bottom Guard Strainer - NH Threads
BS60BG-P15-P09 6" Bottom Guard Strainer - NH Threads
BS602BG-P15-P09 6" Big Water Bottom Guard Strainer - NH Threads
BS507BG-P15-P09-P18 5" Bottom Guard Strainer - Storz Connection