Kochek Box Strainer


Kochek Box Strainers are constructed completely of aluminum with the highest quality welds in the industry. When you need high pump capacity flows and tough as nails durability, choose the Kochek Box Strainer.

  • Available in 1.5”, 2.5", 3", 4" and 6”
  • NH threads 
  • Aluminum construction
Grouped product items
SKU Product Name Qty
BX15-P18-P09 1.5" Box Strainer - NH Threads
BX25-P18-P09 2.5" Box Strainer - NH Threads
BX30-P18-P09 3" Box Strainer - NH Threads
BX40-P18-P09 4" Box Strainer - NH Threads
BX60-P18-P09 6" Box Strainer - NH Threads