Talon Hook

Fire Hooks Unlimited

The NY Roof Hook and the Halligan fork are two of the most widely used tools in the fire service today.  The Fire Hooks Unlimited Talon Hook combines the NY Roof Hook and the Halligan Fork to produce one of the most versatile tools in the fire service today.

The NY Roof Hook head has been designed, shaped and perfected for use in opening up ceilings, floors, walls, HVAC ducting and countless other barriers encountered on the fireground.  The Halligan Fork can be used in all the traditional functions including: forcible entry of doors, windows, security gates and padlocks along with countless prying possibilities.  

After using the Talon Hook, it will quickly become your “go-to tool” as the uses are virtually endless.

•    All-steel head and pole available in 3’, 4', 5', or 6' lengths
•    Celtex grip on pole for added grip

Grouped product items
SKU Product Name Qty
TAL-3 Talon Hook - 3 ft.
TAL-4 Talon Hook - 4 ft.
TAL-5 Talon Hook - 5 ft.
TAL-6 Talon Hook - 6 ft.