Fire Hooks Unlimited

The ALL-AXX is an 11 pound total weight steel handled axe.  The ALL-AXXX features a 6 lb. pick-head axe on one end and a halligan fork on the other.  Originally designed for use on the roof, the 6 lb. blade can make a crevice so the fork can fit in bulkhead doors or other roof access hatches.  The pick-head axe can be used to pry open roof or door openings or it can be used to pull the roof open after cutting it with a saw.

The top of the axe head is a striking plate so you can drive the fork into a crevice if necessary. The welded ring can be used to rope vent windows from above with a half hitch on the handle.  The axe can be hip carried with a carabiner or by using a sheath with shoulder strap.

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