Call it what you want, Halligan Tool, Halligan Bar, Hooligan Tool, there is no mistaking the go-to tool for almost any fire ground job that requires, prying, pulling, striking and just plain badassness for close to 70 years. The Halligan was perfectly advertised early on….”100’s of uses, Does Everything-Everywhere”. That pretty much sums it up. First Out rescue offers Halligan’s and other forcible entry tools from Fire Hooks Unlimited, Lonestar Axe and Leatherhead Tools.
Halligan / Forcible Entry
- Leatherhead Ultra-Force Axe$225.00
- Lock Slot Axe$117.00
- PIGLET Tool$234.00
- PIG Forcible Entry Tool$242.00
- Fire Hooks Black Maxx$134.00
- Fire Hooks Maxx-Axe$149.00
- TNT "Denver" Tool$366.00
- Leatherhead Irons Set$393.00
- PIG IRONS$513.00
- HEAVY Irons Set$450.00
- Fire Hooks Dynamic Duo$398.00
- Fire Hooks Roof Duo$393.00
- Fire Hooks Dynamic Trio$365.00
- Fire Hooks Dynamic Foursome$529.00
- Leatherhead Halligan Bar$269.00
- Fire Hooks Pro-Bar Halligan$225.00
- Fire Hooks Jumbo Pro Bar 54"$363.00
- Fire Hooks Maxximus Halligan Bar$263.00
- Fire Hooks Maxximus-Mod Halligan$255.00
- Fire Hooks Maxximus II Halligan$272.00
- Fire Hooks Li'l-Pro-Bar$63.00
- Fire Hooks Mini Pro Bar$94.00