Fire Hooks Adz-Rex & Lil-Rex

Fire Hooks Unlimited

The Lil-Rex tools feature the same lock pulling head as the Rex Tool but without the pry bar.ᅠ Lil-Rex Tools have a "U" shaped notch with sharp tapered blades that bite into lock cylinders of all shapes and sizes.ᅠ

Using your Pro-Bar Halligan for leverage, the Lil-Rex Adz Bracket can be used with the Adz End of your Pro-Bar Halligan and the Lil-Rex Tube Bracket can be used with the Pike End of your Pro-Bar Halligan.ᅠ

Both tools can be carried in your pocket and in a pinch can also be used as a door wedge.  Lil-Rex Tools come with leather carrying case and entry key.

Grouped product items
SKU Product Name Qty
LILREXADZ Lil-Rex - Adz Bracket
LILREXTUBE Lil-Rex - Tube Bracket