Sounding Ball Roof Hook

Is the roof safe for your members to operate on?
The sounding ball roof hook is designed to check the roof or floor deck for integrity and stability.  By using the weight of the ball at the end of the hook, firefighters can sound a roof or floor well out in front of them providing a greater margin of safety.
The short handles of axes and Halligans normally used for sounding can put firefighters too close to the very place they are trying to avoid—a weakened floor or roof deck.  Sounding with a traditional roof hook or trash/rubbish hook gives better reach, but the sounding end is not very heavy.  Firefighters still need to bring the tool close to their position to generate the strength and momentum to properly sound the floor/roof. 
A weighted steel ball has been added to the end of a traditional steel roof hook in place of the normal chisel end.  The weight of the ball allows firefighters to sound farther away from them, thereby possibly avoiding a weakened floor or roof deck.  When using the hook to ‘punch-down’ ceilings from above the ball allows the hook to be pulled back up without catching on wires, HVAC duct work, narrow roof/wall assemblies, or items stored in the attic.  It is a multipurpose tool that can be used for myriad firefighting tasks.  
The Sounding Ball Hook is available with your choice of New York Hook or Boston Rake Head.
•    Ball Weight: 2.5 lbs.
•    Ball Diameter: 2 3/8” 
•    Available lengths:  5 ft. and 6 ft.
•    Head and ball securely welded to steel shaft
•    Easily punch inspection holes in plaster & lathe and drywall
•    NY Hook or Boston Rake “Hook End” option
Grouped product items
SKU Product Name Qty
SBRH-5 NY Roof Hook w/ Sounding Ball End - 5 Ft.
SBRH-6 NY Roof Hook w/ Sounding Ball End - 6 Ft.
SBRST-5 Boston Rake Hook w/ Sounding Ball End - 5 Ft.
SBRST-6 Boston Rake Hook w/ Sounding Ball End - 6 Ft.